Lethal Lisa's Portal

Hi! I'm Gale or Lisa (she/he/it, ze/hir/hirs, ve/ver/vis)~ ΘΔ I'm a nerd gal & formerly ½ of Lucid Team. I'm a witch that gets emotional over pumpkins and I like anime. This is my personal and project site that I wrote entirely by hand. See Contact & External Links to find me elsewhere on the web. I live in the midwest US and am in America/Chicago.

I'm a calligrapher, programmer, and artist. I love working with antique hardware and software to create new things. I use Linux in my daily endeavors, currently Arch on my desktop and laptop and Alpine on my server, and I also used to daily drive MS-DOS somewhat frequently. My definition of Daily Drivable is probably pretty different than most's though.

Of the programming languages I know I am most familiar with C and, Gameboy assembler via RGBDS and recently Go. I've worked on several projects both as a hobbyist and as a freelancer. You can see some of the things I've worked on below.

An image of a certain witch, as captured by a GameBoy Camera.

My Works

Neovim of the Killer

My Neovim config, probably one of my better bodies of code.


A text filter tool made in Go that converts English text into uwuspeak.


A system information tool for *nix written in Go. It currently supports Linux and Android (via Termux).


Color code converter written in Go. My first project to use Go. It supports HTML/RGB888 codes, RGB555LE and RGB555BE as well as RGB tuples.

My Dotfiles

A well-groomed set of dotfiles for using i3wm on either laptop or desktop. It features a custom color scheme based on kokoscript's loopy-desktop project. It features a similar-looking custom color scheme as well as Loopy for GTK2/3 and Qt5/6, as well as patches to Loopy that allow it to work as well with i3wm. It also includes configurations for much of my commonly used software such as Neovim.

A screenshot of an Arch
                        Linux system running i3wm with a lavender/purplish


A zine I created for the GameBoy in order to learn how to use RGBDS, to brush up on my assembly skills, and process some difficult emotions at a hard time in my life. I'm at present quite pleased with the result here.

Pup2Pup Communication

A second digizine I made for GameBoy. This one is more advanced code-wise, making heavy use of ROM banking capabilities, and having full GameBoy Color support.

It's about paranoia and the joy of friends and wilderness.


Portability focused sobriety tracker based on Ncurses with a (somewhat) human legible format via JSON support using YAJL. This is a personal project created out of frustration with other sobriety trackers available, particularly those on mobile devices. I really wanted something simple, so I began this project. It is currently in hiatus.


A miniscule multiplatform text adventure engine written entirely in C. This project has beeen one of my favorites to work on. It's designed to work on extremely tight space requirements, while not sacrificing any portability. It's written entirely in C and uses a custom binary format to load its stories.

Lucid OverCalc

Lucid Team's OverCalc, a set of tool, utilities, and guides for overclocking the popular GameBoy music creation tool LSDj. My work was mostly to do with the AM frequency calculator written in FreeBASIC. This project is fairly old and not up to my current standards.


A Windows (Win32 API) application written in FreeBASIC, serves as a launcher for Valley Bell's VGMPlay on Windows. This Project is old and unmaintained. I originally wrote the first few drafts for fun, and submitted it for a high school assignment. I am no longer interested in maintaining it. It serves as a decent demo of the Win32 API under FreeBASIC, but that is all.

Contact & External Links

Discord: @lethallisa (Formerly @Lethal Lisa#5801)
Matrix: lethal-lisa:matrix.org
Gitlab: @lethallisa
Github: @lethal-lisa

Friends' Pages

Go check out my friends' pages!!
My best buddy, Mars's page.